
Padlet is a tool which allows teachers and learners to collaborate and interact with each other simultaneously.


  1. Go to and create an account.
  2. In the DASHBOARD, click MAEK A PADLET and select the type of Padlet
    • Wall: Brick-like inputs
    • Stream: Feed-like inputs
    • Grid: Inputs arranged in rows
    • Shelf: Inputs arranged in columns
    • Map: Map integration
    • Canvas: Free flow
    • Timeline: Linear
  3. Customize in the MODIFY panel
    1. Add title and description
    2. Set Icon, Wallpaper, Scheme, Font
    3. Choose if you want to display who posted in ATTRIBUTION
    4. Choose if you will allow participants to COMMENT or REACT on posts
    5. Choose if your board needs your APPROVAL before posting
  4. SHARE by either COPYING LINK TO KEYBAORD or using a QR Code.
  5. Invite them to participate in Padlet (in SHARE menu)
  6. Collaborate: They can input a file, an image, a link, an audio, or video in the PAD
  7. After the session, you may EXPORT (in SHARE menu) it as an image or as a spreadsheet

A learning playlist is available for users.


Padlet. (24, February 2022). For Beginners Playlist. Retrieved from Padlet: