ILC Trains Teachers on Use of LMS, Development of Learning Materials
ILC Trains Teachers on Use of LMS, Development of Learning Materials
By Beverly R. Pabro
February 10, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated, if not forced the use of e-learning and demanded that teachers become technology savvy in creating their learning materials.

Or risk learners being left behind in this remote learning set-up that has been adapted in the midst of quarantine measures that have been put in place.

To help UPLB faculty members fully embrace teaching-learning in the new norm, the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) trained faculty members and other teaching personnel on  e-learning practices and innovative teaching and learning strategies.

ILC conducted a series of online training-workshops entitled “Interactive Learning Tools and Technologies for UPLB Academic Staff” from Feb. 8 to 18 via video conferencing tools.

The training-workshop topics were on the use and application of different learning management systems (LMS), development and production of interactive learning materials such as learning objects and podcasts, and editing of audio and video materials.

According to Dr. Edmund G. Centeno, director of ILC, the training-workshops aimed to impart recent trends on e-learning practices and develop the digital skills and capabilities of participants on interactive teaching and learning.

A total of 170 UPLB academic personnel including professors and research, extension, and professional staff (REPS) who have been given authority to teach, attended the various training sessions.

Prof. Alleli Ester C. Domingo of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (IMSP) discussed “Interactive learning and paradigm shift in tertiary education” in the first session, followed by Dr. Analinda M. Fajardo of the Institute of Biological Sciences on “Edmodo social learning platform.”

Resource persons and their topics in the succeeding sessions were Dr. Joana V. Toralba of the College of Pharmacy, UP Manila on “Canvas;” Aldo T. Lim of the College of Development Communication (CDC) on “Learning object development;” Nelio  C. Altoveros from IMSP on “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment” or MOODLE; Jachin Jane O. Aberilla of the Department of Science and Technology on Podcast Development; and Joseph Lydio R. Roble III of CDC on Audio/Video Editing. Assisting the resource speakers were Beverly R. Pabro, university extension specialist, and Leonilo H. Torio, administrative assistant, both of ILC.

Since 2013, ILC has been offering training-workshops every semester in support of innovative teaching and learning strategies, and to enhance the e-learning knowledge and skills of faculty members.

Completion of a relevant ILC training-workshop on the development/ application of interactive learning materials is one of the prerequisites to qualify for grants for the development of interactive instructional materials.

ILC is an office under the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA). (Beverly R. Pabro: Originally Published on UPLB Website on 13 March 2021)

Canvas Training
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