This page serves as a platform where various learning materials related to educational technology are centralized. Students may learn how to use various tools, platforms, and applications, to further help them in the interactive learning process.
Student Classroom Management
These set of tools allows learners to view content, access learning materials, take assessment, view grades, and facilitate communication in a specific platform. Even though each varies not only in terms of the interface but also the activities integrated in it, these applications or sites makes the process integrated making learning more effective and efficient.
Student Communication
These tools will aid student to connect and communicate among their professors, classmates, and collaborators which enhances the learning experience. With these tools, they can share ideas, information, and insights to further develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Student Collaboration
These platforms allow students to work on tasks simultaneously with other participants. These platforms help students in sharing, brainstorming, and accomplishing tasks leveraging on the collective effort of each collaborator in the process.
Having challenges in creating or accessing your account? Encountering problems with the platforms while using them? Use the account concerns button so we can address it immediately.
Learning materials seen relevant to students in their online learning may be accessed in the playlist below.
Various courses in the University have produced learning objects covering certain topics.
This section serves as the portal or centralized database of course packs and other learning materials. Access each according to the college/ department/ institute/ unit that offers them.
The materials uploaded here have been reproduced and communicated to the students by or on behalf of University of the Philippines pursuant to PART IV: The Law on Copyright of Republic Act (RA) 8293 or the“Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”. The University does not authorize students to reproduce or communicate these material. The materials may contain works that are subject to copyright protection under RA 8293. Any reproduction and/or communication of the materials by the student may be subject to copyright infringement and the copyright owners have the right to take legal action against such infringement.
These course packs has been crafted as a learning material for each specific subject. Each contains articles, video references, and notes which are properly cited at the end of each modules. Students are not allowed to post this on any websites, drives, social media platforms, and most importantly assignment banks, unless permitted by the professors who compiled this material. Doing so will subject students for proper disciplinary actions. For academic use and purposes only
Only those who are enrolled will be given access to that subject's learning materials. In case the specific course pack is not accessible, kindly reach out to your course's faculty-in-charge (FIC), the department's undergraduate (UIC) or graduate instructions committee (GIC), or the college secretary's office (OCS).We at CATL UPLB aims to provide you with the best service. Do let us know how well did we serve you. Kindly click the button to share your experience.